Planning & CEQA Documents

Culver City General Plan

The Culver City General Plan includes the Land Use Element map (PDF, 1002KB) and is the umbrella document that allows the City to plan for future development. The General Plan’s intent is to set the City’s goals for development approvals and the built environment, land use ground rules, and give the public the chance to participate in the City’s planning process. Every City decision and document regulating the built environment, including the zoning code, has to be consistent with the General Plan.

The City is comprehensively updating its General Plan. Find out more about the General Plan Update!

Culver City Zoning Code

The Culver City Municipal Code Title 17 (Zoning) is the local law which contains detailed standards and procedures to implement the general plan. The ordinance divides the City into various zoning districts with different land uses permitted in each district. Zoning establishes regulations governing lot size, building bulk, placement, and other development standards. Requirements very from district to district, but they must be uniform within districts.

Zoning Map(PDF, 5MB)  - The map, which is part of the Zoning Ordinance, and delineates the boundaries of zone districts.

California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)

The state legislature enacted the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in 1970. CEQA established statewide regulations for the environmental review of discretionary projects as well as a process for mitigating or avoiding potential environmental impacts.

The purpose of CEQA is to:

  • Disclose to the public the potentially significant environmental effects of a proposed project;
  • Develop alternatives and mitigation measures to prevent or minimize environmental impacts;
  • Identify additional opportunities for public participation and community input;
  • Improve the findings to support the future approval of discretionary projects.

CEQA Documents

Subscribe to CEQA Notifications 

Negative Declaration (ND) / Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND)

NOD Filled / NOI Filed / MND and Initial Study for 3800 Sepulveda Blvd – Beyond Hello Cannabis Retailer Storefront(PDF, 1019KB)

Environmental Impact Reports (EIR) 


Residential Neighborhood Design Guidelines

These Multi-Family Neighborhood Residential Design Guidelines are intended to encourage new residential projects to be compatible with, maintain the integrity, and to preserve the unique character and best features of each neighborhood by promoting desirable design qualities, guiding change in ways that are compatible with the existing neighborhood development pattern, and respecting the diversity and vitality of the neighborhood.

Gateway Adjacent Neighborhood Design Guidelines(PDF, 8MB)

Gateway Neighborhood Design Guidelines(PDF, 5MB)

Residential Parkway Guidelines(PDF, 16MB)

Current Planning

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