Labor and Employee Relations

MOU futuristic computer screen

Memoranda of Understanding

The Human Resources Department is responsible for the coordination and administration of the labor and employee relations programs. Human Resources provide management support and advice to City departments, particularly in the areas of employer / employee relations as mandated by the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act (MMBA) and is also responsible for representing the City in negotiations with the six (6) recognized employee labor organizations, administering negotiated contracts, resolving grievances, providing policy interpretation and consulting with management staff to address and resolve employee performance issues.


Civil Service System and Rules

Civil Service System 

A civil service system allows for merit-based appointments. It ensures that equal employment opportunities are provided without regard to race, color, gender/gender identification, religion, age, disability, political affiliation, or sexual orientation/identification. All appointments and promotions in the civil service system are based on demonstrated job abilities through competitive examination. This system provides a fair balance between managerial needs and employee protections for the effective delivery of public services.  

Civil Service Rules

The Civil Service Rules are a procedural guide for the administration of Human Resource processes including recruitment and selection, layoff, discipline, and appeal procedures. 

Current City of Culver City Civil Service Rules(PDF, 2MB)

Civil Service Commission 

The Civil Service Commission is comprised of five (5) community citizens that are appointed by the City Council to serve no more than two consecutive terms of four (4) years each. The Commission’s primary responsibility is to advise the City Council on all matters pertaining to the civil service system, recommend adoption of amendments to the Civil Service Rules, review and make recommendations related to citywide salary studies for classified positions, and provide an appeals procedure for classified positions.

 The Civil Service Commission meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 7pm in person and via WebEx. Click here and find the meeting you would like to attend on the top left then click on the link to attend the meeting via WebEx.. Any member of the public can address the Commission at its meeting.

Correspondence can be sent to: c/o Human Resources Department, City of Culver City, 9770 Culver Blvd., Culver City, CA 90232 or call (310) 253-5640.