File a Complaint / Violation

Point of view of holding styrofoam found on the ground Please let us know if you witness a violation. You can use one of the forms below or call (310) 253-6400.

SB 1383 Noncompliance Complaint Form

Report a Violation of the Waste Reduction Regulations

You may report polystyrene foodware product sale or use violations by contacting the City’s Environmental Programs and Operations Department by calling (310) 253-6400.

Click here to view form.

What is the penalty for not complying?

Violators are subject to the penalties and other provisions contained in CCMC Title 1, Chapter §1.01 General Provisions and Chapter §1.02 Administrative Citations:

  • $100 fine for the first offense
  • $200 for the second offense
  • $500 for each offense thereafter

Those persons who rent a City facility through execution of an agreement and are found to use, sell or distribute polystyrene food ware will forfeit their security deposit.