Street Maintenance

Street and sidewalk maintenance is managed by the Public Works Maintenance Operations Division 



Report a Pothole

When will my street be paved?

Culver City has a Pavement Management Master Plan that prioritizes repaving each street based on multiple factors: 

  • current pavement conditions
  • available budget
  • street type of use
  • volume of daily traffic flow

Typically, major artery streets receive a higher priority rating than residential streets


Report Sidewalk Damage


When will the sidewalk damage be repaired?

Public Works crews prioritize repairing sidewalk damage that poses a trip hazard

If no immediate hazard exists, sidewalk damage will be added to a list for future maintenance repair

Time frames for sidewalk maintenance repair vary depending on the numbers, size, cost, and severity of projects throughout the City, and can range from a few months to a few years

Can I repair my sidewalk?


First the City must assess the sidewalk
Contact the Maintenance Operations Division at 310-253-6420 for an assessment appointment

If the City finds no immediate hazard, then you may apply for a permit with the Engineering Division and repair the damaged sidewalk yourself

The City recommends that you hire a licensed contractor to perform the work

Completed work is then subject to inspection by the City