Utilities - Company Contacts

Culver City Sanitation (310) 253-6400 Refuse, Recycling, Street Sweeping
Golden State Water Company (800) 999-4033
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (800) 342-5397 Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) provides electricity to a portion of Culver City. Please visit the LADWP website to determine whether your address is served by LADWP.  
Southern California Edison Company (800) 611-1911

Southern California Edison (SCE) provides electricity to a majority of Culver City. Please visit the SCE website to determine whether your address is served by SCE.  Please visit the Outage Center (If your power is shut off).

The Clean Power Alliance Purchases electricity on behalf of the City,  which is provided by Southern California Edison to the community.

Southern California Gas Company (800) 427-2200
Dig Alert (800) 422-4133 The law states that anyone doing any type of digging, with power driven equipment or when a permit is required MUST contact DigAlert prior to excavation. The consequences for not doing so are not only severe but could lead to injury or loss of life.

The City's website does not provide listings for the following types of providers:  cable television, telephone, cell phone, Internet, or satellite services.