All individuals, corporations, firms, syndicates, joint stock corporations, partnerships, trusts, associations, organizations, clubs, and societies which offer goods, materials, commodities, wares, merchandise or services for sale to the public in Culver City and all professions, crafts, trades, occupations and callings of every kind and nature which are carried on for profit in Culver City are required to obtain a business tax certificate within 30 days of starting business.
A business tax certificate is required whether the business actually makes a profit or not. Independent contractors must obtain a business tax certificate. Non-profit organizations are required to obtain a business tax certificate but are exempted from paying business tax on those activities for which they have I.R.S. proof of tax exemption.
The only entities exempt from obtaining a business tax certificate are homeowner associations and employees of a business.
A business tax certificate is not a permit to operate - it is simply a receipt for payment of business tax.
Depending on the type of business and the location, Culver City, Los Angeles County and the state may require various permits to operate.
Required business tax certificate application forms are available online or from the Finance Department at City Hall, 9770 Culver Blvd., Culver City, CA 90232, (310) 253-5870.
For businesses based at a Culver City address (including P.O. Boxes) the business owner or his representative must submit the application in person to the Finance Department.