SB 330 / SB 35 Resources
SB 330 and SB 35 Housing Development Information
Senate Bill (SB) 330 (The Housing Crisis Act of 2019) and SB 35 (Affordable Housing Streamlining) are key State legislative measures aimed at streamlining housing development and increasing affordable housing in California, in response to the state’s housing emergency. Qualified housing development projects may opt to invoke the rights afforded by SB 330 and SB 35 by submitting a preliminary application form, including all of the information required by subdivision (a) of California Government Code Section 65941.1.
SB 330 & SB 35 Preliminary Application Fact Sheet(PDF, 97KB)
SB 330 & SB 35 Preliminary Application Form(PDF, 674KB)
SB 330 – The Housing Crisis Act
SB 330, as amended, allows qualifying housing development applicants who submit a complete preliminary application to the City of Culver City to “lock in” (vest) development standards and fees in place at the time of submittal of a complete preliminary application and applicable processing fees. In addition, SB 330 requires that no more than 5 public hearings can be held in conjunction with review of a qualifying project. This process provides the developer with greater certainty regarding development requirements for an anticipated development while they gather all materials necessary for a full application submittal. SB 330 housing development projects are subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
SB 35 – Affordable Housing Streamlining
SB 35, as amended, allows qualifying affordable housing projects to request a streamlined ministerial approval process, exempted from discretionary review and from CEQA. Projects invoking SB 35 must dedicate at least 50% of base units as affordable to low income households, and meet all SB 35 eligibility requirements pursuant to Government Code Section 65913.4.
SB 35 Process(PDF, 92KB)
SB 35 Eligibility Checklist(PDF, 442KB)
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