Advance Planning Division

The Advance Planning Division is responsible for developing and implementing Culver City's long-term vision, values, and goals through land use and policy planning. To do this and understand and address opportunities and issues affecting the community and region, Advance Planning partners with the community, other City Departments, boards, and commissions; and local, regional, and state agencies.

Please refer to the Current Planning Division if you have questions on planning permit applications, forms, and development projects.

Advance Planning Projects

The Final Review Draft of the General Plan is now available! The General Plan adoption hearings are scheduled for Planning Commission on August 14, 2024 and City Council on August 26, 2024. 

Final Draft General Plan 2045(PDF, 96MB)

Appendix A - Arts, Culture, and Creative Economy Element Appendix(PDF, 1MB)

Appendix B - Mobility Element Supportive Documentation(PDF, 9MB)

The City reviewed comments received on the Public Review Draft General Plan and determined recommended changes to include in the Final General Plan for Planning Commission and City Council consideration. The comment table tracks all comments received and contains City responses to each comment. The comment table summary explains the comment table, how to use the table, and explains how input on the Plan was received.

Comment Table Summary Memo(PDF, 330KB)

General Plan Comment Table(PDF, 693KB)

Visit Picture Culver City website for more information, and subscribe for email updates and meeting/event notifications.

General Plan 2045 - Culver City

The Final Review Draft of the Zoning Code Ordinance is now available! The Zoning Code adoption hearings are scheduled for Planning Commission on August 14, 2024 and City Council on August 26, 2024. Visit the Picture Culver City website for more details.

Final Review Draft(PDF, 6MB)

Final Review Draft - Tracked Changes Version(PDF, 14MB)

The update of the Zoning Code is intended to support the city’s growth in an orderly manner and promote and protect the public’s health, safety, peace, comfort, and general welfare in conformance with the General Plan. The following are objectives of the Code update:

  • Update the Zoning Code to implement the land use patterns and development framework established in the Culver City 2045 General Plan Update.
  • Update the zoning map with zoning districts that implement and are consistent with the General Plan land use designations.
  • Update the development regulations, processes, and procedures in the Zoning Code to be consistent with the General Plan and recent changes to State law.

Sign up for updates and meeting notifications.

Zoning Code Update Logo and City Hall aerial photo

The Final Draft Program Environmental Impact Report for the General Plan 2045 is now available!

The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires that the City study the Plan's potential environmental impacts and mitigation measures to avoid or offset any negative impacts. The City evaluated the potential environmental impacts of the Plan and determined that a full Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR) will be required to analyze the General Plan 2045 and Zoning Code environmental impacts.

Final Program Environmental Impact Review(PDF, 30MB)

The City previously released the Draft Program Environmental Report for public review. The public comment period was open from March 28, 2024 through May 13, 2024. 



Adopted Plans

The Culver City General Plan is the umbrella document that allows the City to plan for future development. The General Plan’s intent is to set the City’s goals for development approvals and the built environment, land use ground rules, and give the public the chance to participate in the City’s planning process. Every City decision and document regulating the built environment, including the zoning code, has to be consistent with the General Plan.

The City is comprehensively updating its General Plan. Find out more about the General Plan Update!

Existing General Plan Elements and Map


General Plan Overview(PDF, 762KB)
Summarizes the physical, social, and economic needs of the City and its people.


Land Use Element Map(PDF, 1002KB)
Delineates land use boundaries, which are further defined by the City's Zoning Code.


Land Use Element(PDF, 8MB)
Designates general distribution, intensity, and development policies regarding residential, commercial, industrial, open space, and institutional uses in the city.

Circulation Element(PDF, 3MB)
Identifies transportation systems and facilities following the land use element.

2021-2029 Housing Element(PDF, 3MB) and Appendices(PDF, 31MB)
Identifies and prioritizes the city's housing needs and outlines the goals, policies, and programs to address those needs.

Open Space Element(PDF, 2MB)
Identifies ways to support, protect, enhance, and expand natural habitats, agricultural production, and outdoor recreation and environmental health uses.

Noise Element(PDF, 2MB)
Identifies land uses sensitive to noise and noise sources. It also defines areas of noise impacts to limit the community's exposure to excess noises.

Conservation Element(PDF, 344KB)
Identifies ways to conserve and use natural resources, such as water and its hydraulic force, forests, soils, rivers, harbors, fisheries, wildlife, and minerals.

Seismic Element(PDF, 1MB)
Identifies and appraises seismic hazards like susceptibility to surface ruptures from faulting, ground shaking, ground failures, and/or the effects of seismically induced waves like tsunamis and seiches.

Public Safety Element(PDF, 1MB)
Identifies and defines programs to protect the community from fire and geologic hazards.

Recreation Element(PDF, 1MB)
Describes the community's relationship with and needs for park and recreation areas, facilities, and programs.

Development-Related City Documents

Advance Planning Division staff compiled a list of City of Culver City documents related to development to prepare for the General Plan Update (GPU). This list is not comprehensive but represents important milestones and key documents related to Culver City's development. Considering these related documents while updating the general plan ensures the GPU is consistent with these documents and the goals and policies they outline.



The Housing Element’s purpose is to identify the City’s housing needs and outline goals, policies, and programs to address them. The Housing Element is an eight-year plan, extending from October 15, 2021, through October 15, 2029. The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) approved the Housing Element on October 10, 2022.(PDF, 153KB)

2021-2029 Housing Element

The Housing Element will primarily address these issues: 1) Preserving and improving the existing housing stock, 2) Providing housing for special needs populations, 3) Supplying enough new housing to meet the City’s fair share of the region’s need, and 4) Affirmatively furthering fair housing. The 2021-2029 Housing Element has five chapters. 

View/Download the Housing Element as a combined file(PDF, 3MB)

Housing Element Appendices

The Housing Element includes six appendices. Appendix A evaluates the 2013-2021 Housing Element and Appendix B contains background information on the City’s inventory of sites for housing development. Appendix C identifies affordable housing units that are at risk of converting to market rate during the next ten years and outlines potential resources and methods that could be used to preserve their affordability. Appendix D summarizes the public participation program and Appendix E summarizes fair housing issues along with fair housing goals and actions. Appendix F lists the Acronyms used throughout the Housing Element. 

Appendix A : Evaluation of the 2013-2021 Housing Element(PDF, 262KB)

Appendix B : Residential Sites Inventory(PDF, 19MB)

Appendix C : Inventory of Affordable Housing Units(PDF, 113KB)

Appendix D : Public Participation(PDF, 205KB)

Appendix E : Fair Housing Assessment(PDF, 12MB)

Appendix F : Acronyms(PDF, 41KB)

Adequate Sites Inventory

The purpose of the housing element’s site inventory is to identify and analyze specific land (sites) that is available and suitable for residential development in order to determine the jurisdiction’s capacity to accommodate residential development and reconcile that capacity with the jurisdiction’s Regional Housing Need Allocation (RHNA).1

View/Download Culver City's Sites Inventory as a PDF(PDF, 153KB)

View/Download Culver City's Sites Inventory as an Excel sheet(XLSX, 207KB)

1. The sites inventory will be updated per Measure 4.A (Adequate sites for RHNA) of the Housing Element. 


Division Staff