Special City Council Meeting
5:30 PM
Meet and Greet
6:00 PM
Interview of Applicants in Consideration of Appointment to Various Commissions, Boards, and Committees
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Mike Balkman Council Chambers9770 Culver Blvd., Culver City, First Floor***Attend In-Person or Virtually(Courtesy option to attend virtually via Webex)
Webex Event, Culver City
Meeting agenda will be published 48 hours before the meeting.
View the meeting agenda
The public can register to attend the virtual meeting.
The registration link is posted at least 48 hours before regularly scheduled meetings.
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City Council meetings can be viewed live in Culver City on Channel 35 by Time Warner subscribers, on Channel 37 by Frontier FIOS subscribers and, for AT&T Uverse subscribers, by going to Channel 99.
Watch the live meeting on your computer, tablet or phone by clicking on the “In Progress” meeting or by viewing live on the City of Culver City YouTube channel.