Downtown Cultural Walking Tour


The 30th anniversary of the APPP was celebrated in 2018 with the publication of the Art in Public Places Downtown Cultural Walking Tours Guide. In 2023, the 3rd edition of the book was published, with the addition of new artworks and current information.

Pick up a copy of the red booklet.

You may visit City Hall in person to pick up a free copy of the book at these locations:

  • First Floor - City Clerk counter
  • Second Floor - Table at the entrance
  • Mike Balkman Council Chambers - Tables at the entrance


Downloadable PDF and Mobile app of the tour.

Download PDF of the Downtown Cultural Walking Tours booklet.(PDF, 2MB)

You can also follow a mobile app of the tours via Otocast with narration by the artists. Once you have downloaded the app, allow the app to access your location in Culver City, then select the ""Public Art" to begin your tour.

Request a booklet by mail.

Add your name and address to the form below, and we will mail the book to you.