Published on June 01, 2021
SoCal Recycling trucks can now be found at these Culver City locations:
All locations are open from 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM, but temporarily closed from 12:30 – 1:00 PM daily.
COVID-19 safety measures currently remain in place. As restrictions ease, SoCal Recycling remains committed to maintaining a safe recycling experience.
California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) recently approved SoCal Recycling to operate this program for Culver City.
The Mobile Recycling Program is a pilot program, offering a new way to collect recyclables for CRV (California Redemption Value), that is expected to boost consumer access to recycling and could serve as a new model for more convenient and environmentally responsible redemption statewide. The mobile model will reduce or eliminate many issues related to fixed-base recycling centers and large collection bins and the trucks can move to multiple locations, expanding access.
SoCal Recycling is an ongoing partner with Culver City. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, SoCal Recycling’s program provided safe redemption recycling to local residents as an essential service. They also partnered with Culver City schools to create a recycling drive during April's Earth Fest Week and will continue to support local school and community initiatives.
Mobile Recycling with SoCal Recycling
Culver City's Trash & Recycling Services
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Public Works Department
Environmental Programs & Operations Division
Catherine Vargas
Environmental Coordinator