2023 Annual City-Initiated Zoning Code Amendment

No longer on display. Expired on February 08, 2023, 11:59 PM

The Planning Commission is pleased to invite your participation in a Public Hearing concerning the following:

WHAT:     City-Initiated Zoning Code Amendment, P2022-0357-ZCA amending Title 17 of the Culver City Municipal Code, to clarify and clean up internal inconsistencies between various chapters of the Zoning Code. Updates to the following Chapters will be considered: Chapter 17.400.095 Residential Uses- Accessory Dwelling Units to align with Accessory Dwelling Unit State law; Chapter 17.400.100 Residential Uses- Accessory Residential Structures to clarify language; Chapter 17.700 Definitions to add definitions and Chapter 17.610.020 Nonconforming Structures to establish distinct standards for re-construction and expansion of existing legal non-conforming accessory residential structures for through lots on the 4100 block of Charles Avenue in response to unique geographic circumstances.

WHERE:  REGULAR MEETING – Attend In-Person or virtually via Webex

City Hall – Mike Balkman Council Chambers, 9770 Culver Boulevard, Culver City, CA 90232


WHEN:    Wednesday, February 8, 2023 at 7 PM.

WHY:       The purpose of the Public Hearing is for the Planning Commission to review and to receive public input on the proposed text amendments and consider recommendation to the City Council.

CEQA:     The Project is considered exempt from CEQA pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b) (3) because it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the Project to amend the Zoning Code will have a significant effect on the environment.  The proposed Zoning Code Amendment, P2022-0357, by itself does not result in any physical changes nor any significant effects on the environment. Furthermore, the proposed Zoning Code Amendment is not in conjunction with the specific approval of any existing development or use permit applications. Therefore, any projects seeking approval subsequent to the proposed Zoning Code Amendment, would be subject to appropriate CEQA analysis at that time of any such application.  


The Planning Commission Agenda and Project staff report will be available for viewing at City Hall and online no later than 72 hours prior to the meeting date and time.  Submit comments BEFORE 3 PM on Wednesday, February 8,  2023, by LETTER to Culver City Current Planning Division, Attention: Current Planning Division, 9770 Culver Boulevard, 2nd Floor, Culver City, CA 90232, FAX at (310) 253-5721, EMAIL to erika.ramirez@culvercity.org, or PHONE at (310) 253-5727.  City Hall Hours are Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM, and closed every other Friday (Closed January 27th).  The Project file including the plans are currently available to view by contacting the case planner. 

***The public may attend this meeting in person or via video conference.***

Virtual attendance is offered as a courtesy. Technical difficulties shall not require meeting postponement.

For meeting participation information (viewing, speaking, and submitting written comments) please visit our our Meetings & Agendas page.

More information on the City of Culver City response to coronavirus is available online

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