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December 09, 2023, 11:59 PM
The Current Planning Division is pleased to invite your participation in an Administrative Decision concerning:
WHO: Danielle Moses (Applicant)
WHAT: Proposal to add 14,996 square feet of additional floor area to an existing industrial building and change of use from light industrial to office. Project proposes 43-foot high, 3 story office building with outside patio areas. Partial demolition, reconstruction, and renovation results in a total building area of 24,694 square feet. (Case No.: Administrative Site Plan Review P2023-0254-ASPR).
Zoning: Industrial General (IG) General Plan: Industrial
WHERE: Project Location: 3550 Hayden Avenue
WHY: The Culver City Municipal Code requires a 15-day public review period for administrative decisions, during which time the Current Planning Division solicits comments from the public. Following the conclusion of the public review period, an Administrative Decision will be made.
WHEN: Public Comment Period: Tuesday November 21,2023 through Friday December 8,2023.
CEQA: The proposed Project is considered exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant Section 15332, Class 32 - In-Fill Development Project because the project is consistent with the General Plan policies and Zoning Code regulations; occurs within city limits on a project no more than five acres, surrounded by urban uses; does not have value as a habitat for endangered, rare, or threatened species; would not result in significant effects related to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality, and proposes to adequately provide all required utilities and public services.
MORE: Persons wishing to submit comments may do so to the attention of William Kavadas, Assistant Planner BEFORE 3 PM on Friday December 8, 2023
- By LETTER to Planning Division at Culver City City Hall, Current Planning Division, 9770 Culver Blvd. 2nd Floor, Culver City, CA 90232
- By FAX at (310) 253-5721
- By EMAIL to
- By Phone, at (310) 253-5706
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