Culver Boulevard Realignment and Urban Runoff and Stormwater Project

  • Project TypePublic Works Project
  • Project ScheduleFebruary 2020 through May 2022
  • Contractor nameOrtiz Enterprises Inc
Ariel view of Culver Boulevard Realignment and Stormwater Retention Project interior on 11-2020

The Culver Boulevard Realignment and Urban Runoff and Stormwater Project was a combined initiative. 

The Culver Boulevard Realignment Project was a continuation of the widening of Culver Blvd to resolve traffic issues and improve pedestrian safety along the stretch of Culver Blvd between Elenda St on the east and Sepulveda Blvd on the west. Installation of a new raised bikeway/pedestrian landscaped median also enhanced aesthetics and improved mobility.

The Urban Runoff and Stormwater Project was added into the Culver Boulevard Realignment to incorporate structural stormwater best management practices that retain and reuse captured urban run-off.

Construction began early 2020 and was completed May 2022.

The Opening Event for the Culver Boulevard Realignment and Urban Runoff and Stormwater Project was held on June 30, 2022.


Project Images - Final Stage

Project Images - Mid-Project

Culver Boulevard Tying Rebar for 16in Actuator Vault Walls (2).JPG Culver Boulevard Setting 84in Precast Manhole (South) (2).JPG

July 2021, Culver Blvd, Culver City CA, photos and video by Michael Baker Intl, used with permission 

 Culver Boulevard Setting 84in Precast Manhole (South) (2).JPG  Culver Boulevard West Aerial Project Photo.JPGCulver Boulevard Pedestal Layout for Dry Well (2).JPG  

June 2021, Culver Blvd, Culver City CA, photos and video by Michael Baker Intl, used with permission

Street view of Culver Boulevard Realignment and Stormwater Retention Project on 05-27-21Street view of Culver Boulevard Realignment and Stormwater Retention Project on 05-28-21Street view of Culver Boulevard Realignment and Stormwater Retention Project on 05-28-21

Street view of Culver Boulevard Realignment and Stormwater Retention Project on 05-27-21Street view of Culver Boulevard Realignment and Stormwater Retention Project on 05-28-21Street view of Culver Boulevard Realignment and Stormwater Retention Project on 05-10-21Street view of Culver Boulevard Realignment and Stormwater Retention Project on 05-10-21Street view of Culver Boulevard Realignment and Stormwater Retention Project on 05-10-21

Ariel view of Culver Boulevard Realignment and Stormwater Retention Project on 05-20-21Ariel view of Culver Boulevard Realignment and Stormwater Retention Project on 05-20-21Street view of Culver Boulevard Realignment and Stormwater Retention Project on 05-10-21

May 2021, Culver Blvd, Culver City CA, photos and video by Michael Baker Intl, used with permission

Ariel view of Culver Boulevard Realignment and Stormwater Retention Project on 04-20-21Ariel view of Culver Boulevard Realignment and Stormwater Retention Project on 04-20-21

April 2021, Culver Blvd, Culver City CA, photos and video by Michael Baker Intl, used with permission

Ariel view of Culver Boulevard Realignment and Stormwater Retention Project on 03-20-21Ariel view of Culver Boulevard Realignment and Stormwater Retention Project on 03-20-21Ariel view of Culver Boulevard Realignment and Stormwater Retention Project interior on 03-17-21

March 2021, Culver Blvd, Culver City CA, photos and video by Michael Baker Intl, used with permission

Ariel view of Culver Boulevard Realignment and Stormwater Retention Project on 02-21-21Interior view of Culver Boulevard Realignment and Stormwater Retention Project on 02-08-21Ariel view of Culver Boulevard Realignment and Stormwater Retention Project on 02-21-21

February 2021, Culver Blvd, Culver City CA, photos and video by Michael Baker Intl, used with permission

Ariel view of Culver Boulevard Realignment and Stormwater Retention Project on 01-27-21Ariel view of Culver Boulevard Realignment and Stormwater Retention Project on 01-27-21Ariel view of Culver Boulevard Realignment and Stormwater Retention Project on 01-20-21Ariel view of Culver Boulevard Realignment and Stormwater Retention Project on 01-20-21Ariel view of Culver Boulevard Realignment and Stormwater Retention Project on 01-20-21

January 2021, Culver Blvd, Culver City CA, photos and video by Michael Baker Intl, used with permission

Project Images - Early Stage

Ariel view of Culver Boulevard Realignment and Stormwater Retention Project on 12-17-20Ariel view of Culver Boulevard Realignment and Stormwater Retention Project on 12-07-20

December 2020, Culver Blvd, Culver City CA, photos and video by Michael Baker Intl, used with permission

Culver Blvd Stormwater Project November.JPGCulver Boulevard Stormwater Nov.JPGCulver Boulevard Stormwater Nov 2020.JPG

November 2020, Culver Blvd, Culver City CA, photos and video by Michael Baker Intl, used with permission

Culver Blvd Project (10-27-2020) (7).jpgCulver Blvd Project (10-27-2020) (3).jpgCulver Blvd Site Visit (11-23-2020) (1) (002).jpg

October 2020, Culver Blvd, Culver City CA, photos and video by Michael Baker Intl, used with permission

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August 2020, Culver Blvd, Culver City CA, photos and video by Michael Baker Intl, used with permission


June-July 2020, Culver Blvd, Culver City CA, photos and video by Michael Baker Intl, used with permission



 May 2020, Culver Blvd, Culver City CA, photos and video by Michael Baker Intl, used with permission


Project Schedule

Construction started February 2020 and continued through May 2022.

Activities for each phase are described in Project Detail below.

  • Phase 1 - February - March 2020
  • Phase 2 - April 2020 -  January 2021
  • Phase 3 - February - August 2021
  • Phase 4 - October 2021 - May 2022


Project Detail

On January 28, 2019, the Culver City Council approved the final plans and specifications for the combined projects, the construction contract was awarded to Ortiz Enterprises Inc, and construction started February 2020.

Culver Boulevard Realignment Project

The Culver Boulevard Realignment Project continues the widening of Culver Blvd that was initiated by Caltrans in 2009 as part of the widening improvements to the 405 Freeway. The project will resolve traffic issues, improve pedestrian safety, and enhance aesthetics along the stretch of Culver Blvd between Elenda St on the east and Sepulveda Blvd on the west and includes installation of a new raised bikeway/pedestrian/landscaping median separating the eastbound and westbound lanes of traffic.

Urban Runoff Infiltration and Retention Project 

Schematic diagram for Culver Blvd median In order to comply with the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Permit (Order No R4-2012-0175) and the Enhanced Watershed Management Program Plan, the City will incorporate into the Realignment Project structural storm water Best Management Practices (BMP’s). These include infiltration galleries for groundwater recharge and retention basins to treat and reuse captured urban run-off to irrigate the local landscaping along the raised median. Additional BMPs, such as bio-swales and drywells, will also be included to address surface run-off from Culver Blvd.

The infiltration galleries and retention basins will be constructed under the raised median. There are two existing storm drains, 87-inch and 66-inch diameters, passing through the project site at Sepulveda Blvd and Harter Ave. These two storm drains will be the primary source of storm water and urban run-off. All storm water and urban run-off will be pre-treated using multiple treatment systems prior to entering the infiltration galleries or retention basins. The project site has the volume capacity to treat the first 1.1 inch of rain from approximately 344 acres. 

Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines, an Initial Study(PDF, 1MB) (IS) determined that the project will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment with mitigation incorporated. A Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) finding is appropriate.

Project Phases & Documents

The Initial Study and all the project documents are available for review through the links below. 

Phase 1

  • Installation of traffic control measures

  • Installation of project fencing Clear and grubbing of median park

  • Hardscape removal

Phase 1, February 2020 through March 2020 traffic map

Phase 2

  • Removal of soil 

  • Installation of stormwater storage gallery and infiltration system

  • Construction of realigned median park 

  • Construction of raised median island on Culver Blvd

Phase 2 April 2020 through January 2021 traffic map

Phase 3

  • Construction of new sidewalks

  • Installation of pavers in parking areas

  • Installation of street lighting

  • Installation of traffic signals on Culver Blvd at Harter Ave and at Huron Ave

Phase 3 February 2021 through August 2021 traffic map

Phase 4

  • Install slurry seal

  • Final traffic striping




Culver Blvd between Elenda St and Sepulveda Blvd, Culver City 90230  View Map

Google Map