Citywide Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP) Implementation

  • Project TypeConstruction: Stormwater Infrastructure
  • Project ScheduleDesign/Public Outreach 2024, Construction 2025

Project Overview

The Public Works Department Environmental Programs and Operations Division is executing the Culver City Citywide Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP) Implementation Project (Project) in conformance with the Stormwater Quality Master Plan (SWQMP) adopted in 2021.

The SWQMP was developed to guide the City’s stormwater quality compliance strategy, prioritize best management practices, prioritize spending, identify potential project partners, and maximize grant funding opportunities. SWQMP is used to achieve compliance with the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit, the Ballona Creek Enhanced Watershed Management Program (EWMP), the Marina del Rey EWMP, and multiple Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) requirements. 

Stormwater BMPs are solutions for controlling the quality and quantity of stormwater the runoff on land and waterways during storm events.  

Project Goals & Benefits

The Project will provide multiple benefits in addition to addressing regulatory requirements.

  • Enhance water quality locally and in downstream water bodies, such as Ballona Creek 
  • Contribute towards the City’s Enhanced Watershed Management Program (EWMP) implementation goals
  • Reduce local dependency on imported water through groundwater recharge
  • Educate local communities through education and outreach
  • Leverage available funding sources
  • Reduce localized flooding in the Project drainage area
  • Provide community enhancements through surface restoration and improvements

Construction Schedule

Construction schedules are subject to change.

The Citywide Stormwater BMP Implementation Project is currently in the concept design phase.

Design/Public Outreach 2024

Construction 2025

Construction Impacts

None at this time.

Project Locations

Culver City Citywide Stormwater BMP Implementation Project includes improvements at eight (8) residential locations throughout the City. The stormwater capture approach for each location varies.

  • Berryman Avenue (near the Washington Boulevard intersection): utilizes pervious pavement with an underdrain
  • Pickford Way (near the Cota Street intersection): utilizes a combination of bioretention planters and pervious pavement for infiltration
  • Segrell Way (near the Slauson Avenue intersection): utilizes a combination of bioretention planters and pervious pavement with underdrains
  • Jasmine Avenue (near the Le Bourget Avenue intersection): utilizes a combination of drywells and bioretention planters for infiltration
  • Revere Place (near the Ballona Creek Bike Path): utilizes pervious pavement with an underdrain
  • Wesley Street (near the Higuera Street intersection): utilizes a combination of bioretention planters and pervious pavement for infiltration
  • Northgate Street (near the Overland Avenue intersection): utilizes a combination of bioretention planters and subsurface infiltration chambers for infiltration
  • Galvin Street (near the Overland Avenue intersection): utilizes a combination of bioretention planters and subsurface infiltration chambers for infiltration


View maps of Stormwater BMP Implementation Project locations:

 Views of locations of stormwater infrastructure improvements.

Examples of Best Management Practice Stormwater Control Measures

 Examples of stormwater best management practices.

Project Documents

Community Meetings

Project Images

Project Funding


Multiple Locations, Culver City   View Map

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