Planning and Development

The Planning and Development Department is responsible for guiding, monitoring, and facilitating land use development within Culver City. The three divisions that make up the Department include: Current Planning, Advanced Planning and Building & Safety.

Planning & Development Department Organization Chart for Fiscal Year 2022/2023(PDF, 37KB)

Adopted Plans

The Housing Element’s purpose is to identify the City’s housing needs and outline goals, policies, and programs to address them. The Housing Element is an eight-year plan, extending from October 15, 2021, through October 15, 2029. The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) approved the Housing Element on October 10, 2022.(PDF, 153KB)

2021-2029 Housing Element

The Housing Element will primarily address these issues: 1) Preserving and improving the existing housing stock, 2) Providing housing for special needs populations, 3) Supplying enough new housing to meet the City’s fair share of the region’s need, and 4) Affirmatively furthering fair housing. The 2021-2029 Housing Element has five chapters. 

View/Download the Housing Element as a combined file(PDF, 3MB)

Housing Element Appendices

The Housing Element includes six appendices. Appendix A evaluates the 2013-2021 Housing Element and Appendix B contains background information on the City’s inventory of sites for housing development. Appendix C identifies affordable housing units that are at risk of converting to market rate during the next ten years and outlines potential resources and methods that could be used to preserve their affordability. Appendix D summarizes the public participation program and Appendix E summarizes fair housing issues along with fair housing goals and actions. Appendix F lists the Acronyms used throughout the Housing Element. 

Appendix A : Evaluation of the 2013-2021 Housing Element(PDF, 262KB)

Appendix B : Residential Sites Inventory(PDF, 19MB)

Appendix C : Inventory of Affordable Housing Units(PDF, 113KB)

Appendix D : Public Participation(PDF, 205KB)

Appendix E : Fair Housing Assessment(PDF, 12MB)

Appendix F : Acronyms(PDF, 41KB)

Adequate Sites Inventory

The purpose of the housing element’s site inventory is to identify and analyze specific land (sites) that is available and suitable for residential development in order to determine the jurisdiction’s capacity to accommodate residential development and reconcile that capacity with the jurisdiction’s Regional Housing Need Allocation (RHNA).1

View/Download Culver City's Sites Inventory as a PDF(PDF, 153KB)

View/Download Culver City's Sites Inventory as an Excel sheet(XLSX, 207KB)

1. The sites inventory will be updated per Measure 4.A (Adequate sites for RHNA) of the Housing Element. 


Final Documents now available!

The final drafts of the General Plan 2045, Zoning Code Update, and Program Environmental Impact Report are available to view on the Advance Planning Division Webpage.


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• Planning & Zoning questions
• Building permit application and issuance
• Building Code issues
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Planning and Development Director

Mark Muenzer

Mark Muenzer

Mark most recently served as Community Development & Transportation Director for the City of Redwood City, California. He also served as the Community Development Director for the City of Menlo Park. He also has been the Director of Community Development for the Cities of Evanston and Countryside, Illinois; and held various management positions with the City of Chicago.